Thursday, May 29, 2008

June 12,13,14th 2008

Join us for our
Garden Party

Enjoy refreshments and great ideas for your outdoor living space!

Thursday night, June 12th, Catherine from Reiter Landscaping will be joining us from 6-8pm. She will be making some fabulous pestos with fresh herbs. Catherine will have her herbs for sale on Thursday night, and throughout the Garden Party Weekend. Stock up and cook fresh all summer long!

Friday afternoon, June 13th from 12-2pm, Nancy from Pond Builders will talk about different types of water features for your garden and around your home. Come and get your questions answered, and view the beautiful water feature that the Pond Builders will have set up in our yard - all weekend long!

Saturday - all day, join The Summer Kitchen Girls, as we share ideas on bringing the indoors......out!! We will be showing you tips on how to decorate your outdoors - Summer Kitchen Style!!

June 1, 2008

Jazzercise Relay For Life Benefit Tea Party
2:30pm at the store
Let us know if you're interested in coming by emailing us or calling us at 419.638.4205